When one feels financially strained and is not able to pay debts, it is advisable to look for a bankruptcy lawyer to represent you in court. These can be done through the Internet or they can be referred to you by a friend. Whichever way one chooses to go, it is one of those requirements before you can go to court. When you have found the lawyer, you have to be frank and let the attorney know everything about your financial position. This will help him determine how well to handle the case.
Once you have got the lawyer, you have to hand in your financial statements for the last few months. One also has to present the letters from the creditors who have claim on the debtor. With the financial statements, the attorney will determine whether the debtor is eligible to file for financial distress under the new rule. On this first meeting with the attorney, he will refer the debtor to an agency for counseling services.
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After the first meeting, another appointment is made between the attorney and the debtor in which the attorney will determine if insolvency is the final option. The debtor will otherwise be advised on how to go about it. The next move is for the debtor to appear in court for the commencement of the case.
Once the process has been moved to court, the financial journey of the debtor begins afresh. At this stage, the debtor is no longer accountable to the creditors. This is because; the creditors are paid by the court on behalf of the debtor. As such, the creditors will only communicate with the debtors through the court or the bankruptcy lawyer representing the debtor.
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