If you have government issues with your taxes that require the assistance from a tax relief attorney you can find ample contacts in the yellow pages of your phone book or on the web by searching on Google for tax lawyers in your area. These attorneys specialize in a plethora of issues such as when the government puts a lien on your house, if you need to make a compromise on the taxes you owe due to extenuating circumstances, advice on filing for bankruptcy to avoid paying taxes as well as assistance in answering questions pertaining to legal issues involving taxes.
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If you are having financial problems that gets worse knowing that you have to pay taxes that you simply can't afford, you can seek the advice of a tax attorney to provide you with assistance and legal advice towards trying to get an extension on your taxes, or seeing if you have the ability to only pay a certain amount of the total you owe. A tax relief attorney can point you in the right direction and can also help you each step of the way in representing you as a client.
Filing for bankruptcy is another way to get out of paying your taxes. Unfortunately, many people use this as a way out leaving other people who desperately need to use this option without the ability to do so. Filing for bankruptcy should be the last resort for an individual. However, if you do feel as though there is no other way out, you can file for bankruptcy and claim the taxes you owe as part of your debt. If you qualify for bankruptcy, you should get the money you owe on your taxes waived leaving you with a clean slate to start over again. Meeting with a tax relief attorney can help you decide if this is the right direction for you to take and your attorney can represent you in your bankruptcy filing. Tax lawyers can represent clients for many different reasons. If you simply need help filing your taxes, you should see a tax accountant; however, if your issues are more geared towards the legal aspect of tax filing, a tax attorney is the best person you can contact to proceed.
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